Born in 2012, Reg & The Rectifiers is the new reggae sensation!
Musicians/brothers/friends from Catapulte Records and beyond gathered in London to write original Rocksteady - Ska - Lovers Rock songs.

After a few Uk shows and a european tour in June 2012,
the band came back in december to deliver loveful performances throughout London.
They are now working on their first studio album, which will be recorded in April at Larsen Studios.

Their set includes 13 original numbers, from emotionnal rocksteady to wild ska,
and a couple of killer covers : Phillys Dillon / Joya Landis ...

With an unusual line up - both drummer and organist play their instruments while playing trumpet -
Reg & The Rectifiers
perform soulful, hips shaking shows - and the crowd goes groovy!

Record label: Catapulte Records


Wednesday 24 July 2013


01 - 'Moonhop' - Bethnal Green working Men's Club - London
02 - On a boat - Near Victoria Park - Mile End - London
03 - The Old Dentist - Clapton - London
04 - Tour De Force Studios - Mare Street Hackney - London
07 - La Cantine De Belleville - Paris
09 - Stade Du Biollay - Chambery [supporting Julian Marley]
16 - Folkwelt Festival - Vaunieres
20 - L'Ubu - Perpignan
22 - Cafe Concorde - Toulouse
23 - Pamplona
31 - Festimouton - Brussieu

More infos: